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We have puppies hamiltonstoware summer 2019
We invite you to book puppies.The order of receipt of the puppies in the order book.
Hamiltonstovare is a race coming from Sweden where is very popular these are dogs friendly and very gentle, easily growing attached to the owner. We are inviting for the booking of puppies.
Malte Ostansjons - dog imported from Sweden
Jun. Ch.Pl, Ch.Pl, Junior Club, Zw.Pl Winner, Europe Winner, German Winner
Hunting dog (hound), Working Class Certificate WCC, KP-I.
Aida Ruinowa Dolina - Mł.Ch.Pl, Ch.Pl.
Astra Rubinowa Dolina Winner Club 2018
We invite you to book puppies.
The order of receipt of the puppies in the order book.
Eugeniusz Klawikowski
tel. 500-028-320
Sylwia Klawikowska
tel. 503-171-630
Eugeniusz Klawikowski
Świetlino 18 (Wojewo)
Łęczyce 84-218
numer konta bankowego :
22 1050 1764 1000 0090 7638 4719
przelew zagraniczny SWIFT(BIC) - INGBPLPW
PL 22 1050 1764 1000 0090 7638 4719
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